Family Counseling

Families. They come in increasingly different shapes and sizes and colors, but the areas of breakdown within them remain fairly traditional. Shouting or shutting down, using ultimatums, having favorites or informal alliances, all of which can wreak havoc on a home.  The sad truth is that being related by blood is never a guarantee that everyone within a household likes one another, and more often than not it can be an excuse to take the people who are supposed to love you the most, for granted. However, whether you are the over-burdened first child, the overlooked younger sibling, the ganged-up on father, or the frequently ignored mother, chances are you have a role to play in fixing what is going wrong.

Sometimes it is devastating loss or even a new marriage that can destabilize a once happy home. Transitions call for adjustment and it can be hard to get everyone on the same page regarding how to navigate change. All families are bound to go through rough patches. Family counseling is a way for everyone to come together, face them and grow towards one another rather than drift apart.  Strained parent-child relationships, addiction, divorce, chronic medical illness, and grief- we at Haven Mental Health want to guide you through it and onto a more peaceful side.

Going through difficult times may be a normal part of every family's journey, however dysfunction does not have to be. How we cope with difficulties determines the mental health and happiness of those most beloved to us.  Respect, tolerance, and unconditional acceptance are not inherent but rather skills that can be taught and improved upon. With our help, you and your family can learn improved ways to understand and relate to one another, heal from past or ongoing wounds and move to a new level of trust and familiarity as a team.

Within our sessions we will consider each family's unique dynamic and work with members on decluttering lines of communication, working through pain and guilt, expressing expectations and unmet needs, all to develop empathy and compassion towards each other. With increased intimacy and mindfulness, you will notice previously withdrawn family members come out of their shells, instances of extreme emotional reactivity decrease while communication and connection increases.

Ignoring a problem never makes it go away. If you are currently experiencing or witnessing behavior or interactions within your family that leave you anxious, confused, or just sad, the time to call is today. Perfect families do not exist but healthy ones do and we would like nothing more than to make that a reality for you.